CRO Setup

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We can assist you set up a new BE (bioequivalence) center, CRO, bioanalytical laboratory, or clinical facility, from layout design to practical training to your employees. This is the result of decades of experience providing end to end BE center set-up support.

A proper practical training is essential for BE studies to succeed so we offer both in-situ as well as virtual training sessions.

Our CRO Setup Services includes

Concept, Features and Structural Layout of CRO / BABE Center, Hospital and Site

Principles and Rationale of CRO’s and Research Center

Organizational Hierarchy Design

Complete Set up of Bioanalytical Laboratory Regulatory compliance guidance for CRO

Complete CRO Employee Training

ICU set up of CRO

Quality Manual, Organograms, SOPs and Formats Design, Development and further assistance

Conduction of BABE study complete guidance

We are always available for a conversation.

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